Patches LifeWave en

Patches LifeWave, When Acupuncture Meets Nanotechnology 100% organic, all natural. Absolutely nothing is absorbed into the body.


Acupuncture is just one way of removing the blockages in the body's energy meridian system.
The powerful healing modality EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is done by tapping the points with your fingers.
Electric stimulation and laser light are also being used nowadays.
And now we have the exciting science of nanotechnology being used, which is exactly what LifeWave is doing.
Specifically designed informational molecular antennas (in patches) can simply be placed on top of the acupoints.
No work required, you just stick them on and go about your day (or night) as usual.
And just like acupuncture or EFT, the results are almost instantaneous. (within 10 minutes)
Increased energy levels, pain relief, deep restful sleep, profound antioxidant boosting, and more. Take your pick!

LifeWave Video

LifeWave Patches
LifeWave Experience Video

The LifeWave Experience
LifeWave Story Video

The LifeWave Report

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What is Nanotechnology?
It's described as "manufactured products that are made from atoms." Scientists now have the technology to work with nano-sized objects. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter, and a human hair is 75,000 nanometers across. Nanotechnology works in the range below 100 nanometers.

About the LifeWave Patches
The LifeWave Patches are a blend of water, oxygen, amino acids, sugars and organics all applied to a polyester fabric and sealed within a polymer shell. The 3M medical grade adhesive for the patches is hypoallergenic, so skin irritations are unlikely. All products are produced to the highest quality standards, and are tested in rigorous clinical studies.

The active materials are processed and applied to a substrate so as to form a nano-scale organic molecular antenna which works with the electronic and magnetic features of the human body like a cellular radio to transmit information from the patches into the body resulting in specific actions in the cells. These nano-sized organic antennas, when properly constructed, are capable of passively modulating the human magnetic field for the purpose of transmitting information to the human body.

Low frequency electronic signals can initiate cell to cell communication and the cells respond in the SAME way to specific signals as they do to chemicals, except that these signals are all natural compared to artificial chemicals (drugs), and so there are never adverse reactions or side-affects.

The LifeWave patches communicate directly with the cells, and if you've been following the latest breakthroughs in biology and nutrition, you already know that cellular communication is absolutely vital when it comes to keeping the cells and body healthy. According to the ground-breaking work done by cellular biologist Dr. Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D., cellular communication happens via the receptors of the cell membrane, so proper cellular communication can only happen when the cell membranes are healthy and working properly. The body's overall state of health is a perfect reflection of how healthy the individual cells are because the body is made of those cells. And how do cells communicate and transmit information with each other? As science has known for a long time, by means of chemical interactions. But science has also fairly recently come to find that they can communicate by means of energy also. Oscillating vibrational energy frequencies such as sound, light and radio waves. Cell membranes have receptors on them that work just like tuning forks; they vibrate and resonate at the same frequency of their environment, and the energy meridians of the body are like tiny streams or rivulets of highly polarized water, which are now believed to be long strings of liquid crystals that react to light and transmit bioelectric signals along their pathways.

The Official LifeWave Handbook The science behind the energy meridian system explained in laymans terms.

The LifeWave Experience to a New You:
The Official LifeWave Handbook (120kb .PDF)

The Science Behind LifeWave
All LifeWave patch products are manufactured at FDA registered facilities, and all products are registered with the FDA as Class I medical devices. LifeWave technology is based on solid science and years of research from many fields. It is known that:
bullet A pulsating magnetic field exists directly above the surface of the human body (detectable
by SQUID magnetometers). (Dr. John Zimmerman, University of Colarado, 1980)

bullet The human body is divided into zones of electrically positive and electrically negative regions
that are detectable with sub-dermal electrodes. (Albert R. Davis Research Lab, 1974)

bullet There is an electrical response within the human body when using the LifeWave patches;
detectable with Spectravision or RJL bioelectrical impedance analysis.

bullet Signal induction is the process by which information is communicated to the DNA of the
cell for initiating various cellular responses.

bullet NASA was the first to recognize the importance of the molecular antenna concept for
conversion of microwaves to electricity, and LifeWave was the first to manufacture a
molecular antenna from strictly organic materials that are able to influence the biological
functions of the human body.

bullet When placing a LifeWave patch above the body there is an immediate heating, cooling and
electrical effect that may be measured by a variety of diagnostic techniques.

bullet Independent physical and chemical analysis by MVA showed that the LifeWave patches
were non-transdermal; nothing in the patches enters the human body.

bullet Utilizing Capnometer technology during double blind placebo controlled studies of the
LifeWave Energy Enhancer patch show that most LifeWave users experience increases in
fat burning on average of over 20%, and that this results in significant improvements in
energy and stamina.

bullet Double blind placebo controlled studies of LifeWave utilizing medical infrared imaging show
rapid heating and cooling effects within minutes of applying LifeWave patches to the skin.

bullet Surface Electromyography studies show that there is an immediate electrical response
within the human body when using the LifeWave patches.

bullet Multiple Heart Rate Variability studies show the safety and effectiveness of LifeWave.

How LifeWave Patches Works
The pulsating magnetic field above the human body passes through the patches, and the patches have been constructed so as to "Frequency Modulate" (FM) the human magnetic field much in the same way that we transmit information over high frequency radio waves. This FM wave is now "transmitted" back to the body by resonant energy transfer (similar to having two people hold a rope with one person creating a wave motion; the wave will travel to the other person). Once the FM signal reaches the user, the signal comes in contact with the cells in our bodies; this is known as signal induction, and is the process by which various cellular responses occur.

The LifeWave concept is based on the principle that the atom proton energy associated with human thermomagnetic fields are capable of interacting with passive orthomolecular organic materials so long as these materials are arranged parallel to the plane of rotation, with this arrangement inducing electron flow due to well known and long established electromotive principles. It is well known in conventional industrial electrical generators and alternators that electricity is produced as a result of the relative rotation of magnetic fields in the presence of a conductor such as copper wire. In the LifeWave technology and device, the human body provides both the oscillating thermomagnetic field as well as the conductive media (electrolytes), with the LifeWave device passively interacting with this thermomagnetic field so as to induce electron flow in the conductive media through field shaping and resonance feedback effects.

LifeWave CD

LifeWave Audio CD (streaming 32kbps mono MP3)

Track 1 (7:02): Play Introduction to LifeWave with David Schmidt & Ken Rasner
Track 2 (25:22): Play Radio show about the LifeWave technology

To date, LifeWave has completed over 16 double blind placebo controlled studies that show the safety and effectiveness of their products. The scope of their research has been scientifically broad and has included independent evaluation of their products by researchers all over the world.
LifeWave Clinical & Research Studies


LifeWave Energy Enhancer Patches
LifeWave Energy PatchesSoftware for the human body. Increases stamina, enhances energy, improves strength, burns fat, and improves energy flow throughout the body without chemicals or other invasive substances. Up to 40% more instant energy, strength, stamina, and fat burning than normal. Many professional althletes, sports teams, and olympians are now using the Energy Patches.
Energy Enhancer Testimonials

If you buy a coffee on a daily basis, you could be using the LifeWave Energy Enahancer Patch instead for less money per day, and there are no jitters or highs and lows like you would get from stimulants. This is a completely natural, smooth, steady, and constant upliftment of energy. If you're tired of depending on drugs, stimulants, and coffee to get through your day, this is for you. If you're tired of being tired, this is for you. While wearing the patches you will probably feel nothing. What you should notice is very constant and stable levels of energy during your daily activities, or if you are performing an athletic activity you should be able to measure improvements in performance.

The Energy Enhancer Patches are "encoded" with the signal "transport fat to the mitochondria and make ATP". Because there is over twice as much ATP (cellular energy) derived from fat as compared with carbohydrates, using fat as an energy source is far more efficient and beneficial. Energy production is enhanced, but this is more than just supplying the body with energy. As a consequence of accelerated fat burning more cellular energy becomes readily available to support ALL bodily energy consuming functions. Think about what this means for a moment. Is the body not a self-healing mechanism when given all the proper materials and supplies (energy, nutrients)? Have you fully grasped the larger picture here? I'm certainly not implying that these products heal anything, because that would be illegal. But what I am saying is that the body heals ITSELF when the cellular environment is optimal.

Users of the LifeWave device and technology have experienced immediate and demonstrable increases in physical stamina within minutes after wearing the LifeWave device. Actual results obtained from users have been as low as 8% improvements to as high as 400% improvements. The passive thermomagnetic frequency modulation of the LifeWave technology creates a condition in which the transport of long chain fatty acids across the mitochondrial membrane for subsequent beta-oxidation and energy production is triggered or improved, thereby providing the user with increased energy and stamina.

Users of the LifeWave Energy Enhancer have experienced immediate and demonstrable increases in physical strength within minutes after wearing the patches. This is not a chemically induced increase in strength such as would be the case with anabolic steroids, etc. but rather a phenomena in which existing muscle mass is utilized more efficiently due to the increase in electron flow. To understand how this phenomena could be possible, if we examine the striated skeletal muscle system we know that this voluntary group nerve supply is under conscious control because these nerves are branches of the peripheral cerebrospinal nervous system (the brain and spinal cord as the cerebrospinal axis). The muscle fibers themselves are tissues composed of contractile cells that effect movement based on the excitatory process set up in nerve fibers by stimuli (the nerve impulse). It is presently believed by medical research that the nerve impulse is probably in the nature of a wave of electrochemical disturbances. The efficiency with which large muscle groups are contracted can be defined as the number of muscle fibers utilized in a contraction divided by the number of fibers present in that muscle group. It is presently believed that most humans only contract a small percentage of muscle fibers in a given group for a given nerve impulse (low efficiency of muscle mass usage as a function of number of muscle fibers contracted divided by number of muscle fibers present; not all motor units respond to a given stimulus).

If now we were to induce a condition in which the total power available for nerve impulses could be increased so that more muscle fibers could contract for a given muscle group, the net efficiency of the striated fibers would increase (more muscle fibers in a group being contracted in a contraction phase; more motor units responding to a stimulus), and hence usable physical strength could be improved. It is believed by LifeWave that this is one possible explanation for the phenomena associated with users of the Energy Patches, namely immediate and demonstrable increases in strength and stamina within minutes of wearing them.
Energy Patch Placement
The Energy Patches may be applied every other day for up to 12 hours at a time. One set of patches consists of one white patch and one tan patch. Apply the patches to clean dry skin. Apply the WHITE ON RIGHT, and TAN ON LEFT. Do not reuse patches once removed from skin. Do not use more than one set of patches on the body at the same time.

Helping Others is Helping Yourself
A lot of people use the Energy Patches for the sake of building muscle, but if you really think about it, there are far more constructive things a person could be doing with all of that extra energy and health. (Large muscles don't represent health anyway, proper cellular functioning does.) Just imagine how many of the worlds problems would dissolve and disappear if we all started to use our health and vitality for the sake of each other. LifeWave's products are made in the service of others, and are created with the intention to uplift humanity, so why don't we all join together and do the same? As John Lennon wrote in his song "Imagine", "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one."

Energy Enhancer BrochureEnergy Enhancer Brochure

Buy LifeWave Energy Enhancer Patches
One Month Supply:
Retail Price: $89.95US - Purchase LifeWave
Preferred Customer Price (monthly autoship): $79.95US - Join Autoship Program & Buy LifeWave (my ID#: 651188)
Distributor Price: $69.95US - Sign Up and Order LifeWave

Even larger quantities and savings are available to LifeWave distributors.


LifeWave IceWave Pain Relief Patches
LifeWave Pain Relief PatchesSmart temperature technology. The premier patch product for pain relief. It's like acupuncture without the needles. IceWave Patches are extremely powerful tools for the relief of aches and pains. Fast relief for sore muscles, inflammation, sprains, strains, chronic/temporary pain, spasms, cramps, tendonitis, and other injuries due to intense exercise or everyday exertion. IceWave Patches are a non-invasive nanotechnology product that works within minutes to provide a cooling effect and soothing relief to inflamed and injured areas. World class athletes and coaches depend on IceWave for quick pain relief without using drugs.
IceWave Testimonials

In Eastern medicine these types of pain are believed to be a blockage of energy flow in the acupuncture meridian system. Think of this as an electrical circuit. If we have a lamp and there is electricity flowing in the circuit then the lamp will light up; If there is no electricity then the lamp will not light. The same is true with the human body. Once the normal flow of energy can be established then pain can be relieved. What has been found through extensive testing is that HOW you use the patches and WHERE you place them will make all of the difference between how much pain relief an individual will experience with the IceWave Pain Relief Patches.

IceWave ResultsResults
This local thermal effect means that excess heat is reduced to an injured area and what follows is reduced pain, reduced soreness, and restoration of range of motion to the specific injured site. The top two infrared photos show areas of inflammation in the neck, shoulders, and lower back. Within 5 minutes of applying the LifeWave Pain Relief Patches a dramatic reduction in temperature and inflammation may be noted. These photos were taken as part of a double blind placebo controlled study. The overall results were that 34 out of 36 people responded as above to the IceWave Patches. On average, a 4 degree drop in body temperature happens within only 5 minutes.

The IceWave Pain Patch can be worn for up to 12 hours. Apply the patches to clean dry skin. The WHITE patch must be placed on the CENTER OF THE STERNUM, and the TAN patch can be placed ANYWHERE on the body where there is pain or discomfort. IceWave Patches should be moved as instructed here so that the maximum benefit in pain relief can be achieved by the user. Also, make sure that you are well hydrated for best results. Do not reuse patches once removed from skin.

IceWave Video

LifeWave IceWave Video

IceWave BrochureIceWave Brochure

Buy LifeWave IceWave Pain Relief Patches
One Month Supply:
Retail Price: $89.95US - Purchase LifeWave
Preferred Customer Price (monthly autoship): $79.95US - Join Autoship Program & Buy LifeWave (my ID#: 651188)
Distributor Price: $69.95US - Sign Up and Order LifeWave

Even larger quantities and savings are available to LifeWave distributors.


LifeWave Silent Nights Sleep Patches
LifeWave Sleep PatchesThe all natural Sleep Patch. Enjoy a deep, restful sleep with the patch that makes it easier to go to sleep, stay asleep, and awaken refreshed.

It has been found in independent double blind placebo controlled clinical studies that the Silent Nights Patch increases the percentage of Delta waves that the brain produces during sleep. The higher the percentage of Delta waves, the better the sleep quality. In fact, studies have shown that Silent Nights improves sleep quality by as much as 50%. In addition, studies with infrared imaging have shown that by applying the patches to specific points on the body there is a dramatic shift in the way heat moves through the body. This is not unlike the ancient practice of moxibustion in which heat is applied to specific acupuncture points to stimulate that acupuncture point. The patches provide a thermoregulating effect to the body, promoting the nervous system to respond in normalizing the anomalous response and changes of the body. However, while wearing the patches you will probably feel nothing. What you should notice is that you and/or your partners will have a more quiet night's sleep and wake up refreshed.
Silent Nights Testimonials

DirectionsSleep Patch Placement
The Silent Nights Sleep Patch may be applied just before going to sleep and then removed upon waking. A single patch may be worn for up to 16 hours. One patch allows two nights of usage. Remove half the backing and apply patch firmly to the specified spot. Smooth on with hand to assure the patch will stick. Second night, remove the other half of the backing and apply. Do not use more than one patch on the body at any one time. The patch can be worn on either the RIGHT TEMPLE of the INSIDE RIGHT FOOT. Apply the patch to clean dry skin.

Silent Nights BrochureSilent Nights Brochure

Buy LifeWave Silent Nights Sleep Patches
One Month Supply:
Retail Price: $59.95US - Purchase LifeWave
Preferred Customer Price (monthly autoship): $49.95US - Join Autoship Program & Buy LifeWave (my ID#: 651188)
Distributor Price: $39.95US - Sign Up and Order LifeWave

Even larger quantities and savings are available to LifeWave distributors.


LifeWave Y-AGE Ageless Elements Antioxidant Patches
LifeWave Glutathione Antioxidant PatchesAgeless Elements, the first anti-aging product from LifeWave is here. This is two LifeWave Patches packaged together as one product. Protect the body with Glutathione Booster, and repair the body with Carnosine Booster.

(pronounced "gloota-thigh-own") Glutathione is a material found naturally in the human body. It's made of the amino acids Glycine, Glutamic Acid, and Cysteine. It is the body's master antioxidant. The Glutathoine Booster Patch was originally made and marketed as a "skin care patch" which produced "beauty from the inside out". It works by elevating the glutathione levels in the body. As a result of boosting the body's master antioxidant, the liver is massively detoxified (30% to 100%), and when toxins are cleansed from inside, it shows on the outside as well in the quality of one's skin. This is a new way of getting more antioxidants into the body to improve your health without having to swallow anything. As the body's master antioxidant, glutathione is known to neutralize free radicals, recharge your body's other antioxidants, support the structure of your body's proteins, support the immune system, detoxify your liver of heavy metals, promote longevity and reduces chances of disease, and of course, improve the appearance of the skin.
The Role of Glutathione in the Body by Steve Haltiwanger, M.D., C.C.N. (56kb .PDF)

Carnosine is made of the amino acids Alanine and Histidine. Senility and Alzheimer's disease are thought to be linked to plaque formation on the brain, and studies on carnosine have shown that it is one of the protective mechanisms of the microvasculature of the brain, holding off the formation of plaque. Carnosine functions as an antioxidant in the body, and it protects our cells' DNA from damage. Scientists have discovered that it has the ability to turn old cells into young and healthy cells by repairing cellular damage. Also, studies have also shown that it has the ability to accelerate wound healing through rejuvenation of connective tissue.
Y-AGE Testimonials

Glutathione LevelsA series of electromyography, blood, and urine tests have been underway over the past year on the LifeWave Glutathione Patch. The results of these studies have shown that there is a minimum increase in glutathione levels in the blood of over 300% within the first 24 hours of using this patch, and that there is a very rapid excretion of heavy metals such as mercury from the urine. These studies have shown statistical significance as nearly all individuals that have utilized this patch have experienced these results. The patches are convenient, effective, natural, and safe, and the excretion of toxins that have previously accumulated in the body is beneficial. Unfortunately, if too many toxins enter the bloodstream too fast you may transiently experience various symptoms of toxicity, which can range from mild-to-severe fatigue, headaches, sleepiness, diarrhea, post nasal drip, sore throat, minor skin breakouts, joint pain, muscle aches, foggy thinking, poor concentration, nervousness, metallic taste in the mouth and even sweating. These symptoms will typically be short lived, but can be intense and occur within minutes of applying the LifeWave Gluatione Booster Patch. The use of these patches can initiate detoxification symptoms very rapidly with high risk individuals (heavy smokers, people exposed to occupational chemicals and toxins like hair dressers, dentists, welders, crop dusters, roofers, painters, etc). It is important to recognize that this is a natural outcome from any approach that increases levels of the antioxidant glutathione.

What Experts Say About Glutathione
"Glutathione is a substance, the levels of which in our cells are predictive of how long we will live. There are very few other factors which are as predictive of our life expectancy as is our level of cellular glutathione. We literally cannot survive without this antioxidant." - Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.

"Glutathione is a tri-peptide of the amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid. A deficiency of glutathione can cause hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells, leading to anemia) and oxidative stress. Glutathione is essential in intermediary metabolism ... for the detoxification of acetaminophen (Tylenol)." - [PDR Medical Dictionary. Spraycar. 1999]

"Without glutathione, other important antioxidants such as vitamins C and E cannot do their job adequately to protect your body against disease." - Breakthrough in Cell Defense, Allan Somersall, Ph.D., M.D., and Gustavo Bounous, M.D. FRCS(C).

"No other antioxidant is as important to overall health as glutathione. It is the regulator and regenerator of immune cells and the most valuable detoxifying agent in the human body. Low levels are associated with hepatic dysfunction, immune dysfunction, cardiac disease, premature aging, and death." - The Immune System Cure, Lorna R. Vanderhaeghe & Patrick J.D. Bouic, Ph.D.

"As Dr. Lombard points out in his book, "The Brain Wellness Plan," Glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants in the body. Depressed glutathione levels are associated with the increased generation of free radicals found in Parkinson's patients, for example, and contributes to further brain cell death." - Excerpts from the Willner Window Radio Show: Program aired on 5-3-98
Glutathione Patch Placement
Use the Glutathione Patch 2-3 days a week, alternating days. Remove backing from 1 patch and apply the patch to clean, dry skin in the AM to either the sternum or 2” below belly button; smooth on with fingertips. Remove patches in evening. Patches can be worn for up to 12 - 14 hours before discarding. Remove immediately if you feel discomfort or skin irritation occurs. Do not reuse patches once removed from the skin. Do not use more than one LifeWave Glutathione Patch at a time on the body. Please stay well hydrated while patches are applied.

Y-Age BrochureY-Age Brochure

Buy LifeWave Y-AGE Antioxidant Booster Patches
One Month Supply:
Retail Price: $89.95US - Purchase LifeWave
Preferred Customer Price (monthly autoship): $79.95US - Join Autoship Program & Buy LifeWave (my ID#: 651188)
Distributor Price: $69.95US - Sign Up and Order LifeWave

Even larger quantities and savings are available to LifeWave distributors.


LifeWave SP6 Appetite Control Patches
LifeWave Appetite Control PatchesThe Simple Plan for losing weight in 6 easy steps. The weight loss plan that can't help but work because it removes the underlying problem of unhealthy cravings and overeating. Completely natural with zero negative side effects. Works by balancing the hypothalamus via the spleen and stomach acupuncture points.

The hypothalamus is a highly complex structure in the brain that produces the body's "controlling" hormones, and also links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland. The nervous system coordinates the activity of the muscles, monitors the organs, constructs and also stops input from the senses, and initiates actions. The endocrine system is an integrated system of organs which involve the release of extracellular signaling molecules known as hormones.Hypothalamus The endocrine system is instrumental in regulating metabolism, hunger and thirst, temperature, sleep, sex drive, growth and development, tissue function, and also moods. So altogether, the hypothalamus is responsible for controlling many vitally important bodily processes. It`s responsible for maintaining overall balance, harmony, and homeostasis. The profound health benefits of balancing the hypothalamus by means of placing the LifeWave SP6 Patch on the related spleen and stomach acupressure points then becomes quite obvious. As a result of regulating appetite and decreasing hunger, the SP6 Patch is marketed as an "appetite control system".
SP6 Testimonials

The Obesity Epidemic
100 years ago the average person consumed about 16 pounds of sugar in their diet each year. During the 1980's the average person in the United States consumed about 75 pounds of sugar in their diet each year. More incredible than that, today sugar consumption is at an all time high with the average American gulping down over 150 pounds of sugar each year!

Not surprisingly the incidence of obesity and diabetes has paralleled these increases in sugar consumption. The message is very clear: eating excessive amounts of sugar in our diet makes us sick and fat. When we consume sugar it turns off our ability to burn fat and turns on fat storage. So when we eat foods that we shouldn't be our body goes into fat storing mode, and the endless cycle of not being able to lose weight continues. To make matters worse, most people crave sugar and do not seem to be able to stay away from it.

No Cravings
How can we stop those painful hunger and sugar cravings? With the LifeWave SP6 Patches it`s absolutely simple. The very first day you wear this patch you will notice that you dont crave food or sweets as much, and reducing calories is one of the first steps to losing weight. Not only will SP6 help stop those sugar cravings that promote obesity, but with this technology you will have plenty of energy and you will not starve. Your body will simply work the way it's supposed to. An all natural decrease in hunger and sugar cravings without any drugs, stimulants or needles entering the body.

SP6 Instruction BookletSP6 Instruction Booklet (3,493kb .PDF)

DirectionsSP6 Patch Placement
The SP6 Patches are to be worn 5 days a week, wearing a new patch each day. The patch is to be applied in the morning and then removed in the evening. Apply patch to clean, dry skin. Remove the backing from the adhesive plastic patch and place included plastic bead in the center of the patch on the adhesive side of the patch. Apply the bead and patch to the acupressure point, smoothing the patch on so that it is properly secured to the skin. There should be a mild pressure on the acupressure point. Patches can be worn for up to 12 hours at a time. Remove patch if you feel discomfort or skin irritation occurs. Do not reuse patch one removed from skin. Do not use more than one SP6 Patch at a time on the body. Keep your body well hydrated with water during the use of the patches.

SP6 BrochureSP6 Brochure

Buy LifeWave SP6 Appetite Control Patches
One Month Supply:
Retail Price: $89.95US - Purchase LifeWave
Preferred Customer Price (monthly autoship): $79.95US - Join Autoship Program & Buy LifeWave (my ID#: 651188)
Distributor Price: $69.95US - Sign Up and Order LifeWave

Even larger quantities and savings are available to LifeWave distributors.


LifeWave Distributors
LifeWave, and especially this type of technology, is still in it's early days. The products that they have created and released so far are just the very beginning, and the potential for this kind of nanotechnology is enormously vast. This breakthrough technology holds the promise of a host of other products which will address and solve many additional human problems.

LifeWave was founded on the principle of breakthrough personal-improvement technology that helps people all over the world to feel great and live well, and their products create a world-class financial opportunity for anyone who wants to share in their mission. They believe strongly in their values of the highest integrity, superior quality, and service to others. LifeWave follows the age-old philosophy of The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

As people experience amazing personal results from the LifeWave products, they can't help but share their story with others, and then naturally others become eager to try the products for themselves. That's how LifeWave's business has grown as large as it is, simply by people sharing their stories with others. Word of mouth is almost always the most powerful form of advertising and promotion because there's always that personalized truthfulness when somebody is pleased with a product or service. Quality products of great worth and integrity sell themselves with very little effort.

If you're thinking about signing up as a distributor, please make sure to read the LifeWave Policies and Procedures first. It's pretty simple and basic stuff, but it's best to know exactly what you're getting involved with beforehand.

When/if you sign up, you have to choose which membership program you want; Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Startup. Take a look at the Pay Plan and compare in detail the advantages of signing up under each type of membership program. In general, Gold members have a greater earning opportunity than Silver, Silver more than Bronze, etc. Once you have selected your membership program, you must place an initial order to activate your Business Center and online Virtual Office. You will be provided several product options for the type of membership you have selected. With your membership you'll also receive a personal replicated site where you can send potential buyers and/or distributors to for more information about LifeWave and their products. The replicated site looks just like this:

For even more information on all things LifeWave you can also start calling in to the regular Conference Calls and/or going to the Meetings in your area.

Sign up as a LifeWave Distributor

If for whatever reason you ever need my personal LifeWave ID#, it's 651188.

And of course, feel free to contact me for any reason!

All brands, logos and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

FDA required disclaimer:
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
The products listed and information provided are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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